The DDPA committee comprises nine members and our monthly meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month at the Dunsborough Art Society, at the side of the Dunsborough Hall.
Members are welcome to attend.
The DDPA is a community, volunteer-run organisation.
Meet our 2025 committee
President - Llewyn Green
Vice Presidents - Jen Fletcher
Vice President - Terry Carmichael
Treasurer - Helen Herbage
Secretary - Jo Barrett-Lennard
Committee member - Jacquie Happ
Committee member - Mark Webster
Committee member - Helen Rowell
Committee member - Greg Banfield
Committee member - Stuart Ratcliffe
The Dunsborough and Districts Progress Association (Inc.) is a not-for-profit incorporated group. You can find out more information about the group’s operations through its governance documents.
The Rules of Association are here.
The Strategic Plan is being revised.
Our Mission:
To contribute to making the Dunsborough Region the best it can be. We aim to do this:
- By making suitable representation to the City of Busselton and to other bodies on behalf of the community.
- By engaging with the community and providing a voice for the community.
- By supporting community causes that are consistent with our values.
- By fostering social, sporting and cultural activities.
- By currently managing the Dunsborough Hall.
- By protecting the local environment.
We had the changing of the guard at our AGM recently. The new chair is Llewyn Green who has been part of the DDPA for over 15 year and has been a major contributor to the Duns Arts Festival for almost the same. He's excited about working with Vice Presidents: Jen Fletcher and Terry Carmichael, Jo Barrett-Leonard starts on the executive as Secretary and Helen Herbage stays on as Treasurer.
Joining the committee is Stuart Ratcliffe alongside returning members: Mark
Webster, Helen Rowell, Jacquie Happ and Greg Banfield.
Following is the 2024 outgoing President, Jacquie Happ's, report:
"Acknowledgement of Country
Our year has kind of been slow with some big decisions that have been made, and some planning items that have passed that we tried hard to change.
Starting with the Dunsborough Hall. The lease agreement for the hall has been renewed after much debate. We have had rigorous conversations about the ability of a community group with no income (like memberships) to manage such an old yet much loved community asset. It needs maintenance and this is growing as it ages. We have had increased costs in cleaning and commissions for booking it, and we installed air-conditioning! Overall, it was in a loss situation. However, we also believe that the community would lose an asset that can be provided for free, and have access when we need to have larger meetings and cheaper options for community groups. It was a hard option to reconcile with that conundrum.
As such we have adjusted the cleaning regime, and the hall fees are likely to be increased. We hope that the hall continues to be well used, clean and fit for purpose.
A huge thanks to Alice Mouritz and Jen Guidera who have been managing the day to day activities of the hall over the last year, and to Jen Fletcher and Greg Banfield, and the new incoming management sub-committee who will oversee the long term financial strategy and maintenance. It is great to see the team expanded by keen and interested people.
Tony Sharpe has supplied us with the planning highlights!
The major planning issue for Dunsborough over the last 12 months was the Planning Minister’s decision to override the wishes of the City of Busselton council and the residents by setting a height limit of 5 storeys in the centre of town. This was part of Amendment 52 to the planning scheme and the Precinct Structure Plan. We are now awaiting final details on the PSP and the design guidelines which will hopefully help maintain the character of the town in light of the height decision.
There was more talk than action on the two major developments, the PIA land east of Commonage Road and Mewett Road and Lot 6 on Commonage at Biddle. Both are awaiting Structure Plans that have been promised by the end of the year. Lot 6’s plan is with the city but more information is being sought. Smiths Beach development is awaiting a report from the EPA. The plan to cut down 26 trees on Vasse-Yallingup Siding Road is on hold awaiting decisions from state and federal bodies. The city has said it will then be up to council to make a final decision.
Council is set to approve the new Local Planning Scheme 22 in December. This is basically a structuring of the current scheme into a state approved template, although there have been some changes, specifically in the area of Special Character Areas. These are still under negotiation and it is possible the council will delay for another month.
Dunsborough History Group manages to grow their numbers and go to some exciting heritage places! We wish them luck finding a space to fill and display some of their collection in! Everyone loves seeing their posts with information and nostalgic photographs and information.
This year, we spent the JAMPACT funding of $4,762.26 that we were gifted from the group when it dissolved some time ago. The funds went to singers and song writers, to attend a workshop by Glenn Sarangapany from Birds of Tokyo, and there will be tour of the student’s work in March next year. So that will be an exciting event and an amazing investment opportunity in young people’s talent, that perfectly matches JAMPACT’s aims and purposes.
During the year we asked for feedback from the community about ‘things’ that would make Dunsborough great. There were a number of themes that came through not counting a pool or the playing fields:
- Bike path to Yallingup and also a cycle path to Cape Naturaliste lighthouse, and Eagle Bay via Meelup
- Better bbq /toilets and maybe showers along the foreshore, maybe even hot showers
- Dog poo bag outlet at Dunn bay Road, and bins along the strip in front of the accommodation venues to put them in
- Safer Caves Road crossing
- Formal pathway along Caves Road towards Quedjinmia Reserve
- Use more native trees
- Street lights along Caves Road between the roundabouts
- Lighting along the Duns Foreshore to the toilet block
- Whales in the Bay festival
- Master plan and toilets/café/ bbq/picnic benches and shelter/cover at the Skate park
- Café on the Foreshore
- Better playgrounds; water park in the Lions Park
- Bins
- Lobby for a bigger library
- Toilet block at old Dunsborough to include a café
- Close Hannay Lane
We will need a few more volunteers to put up their hands to get these on the way!
Last year we mentioned that Terry Carmichael had spent a fair bit of time liaising with the City to better our foreshore. He has successfully negotiated with the Parks and Gardens crew to install three showers at locations along the beach in Old Dunsborough. Job well done!
Civic events have been really successful.
The Arts Festival was a big hit, and we had to change up our perimeter with crowd control barriers and more security – but as for the last four years, the fire works sponsored by Dianne Laurance were outstanding. We are lucky to have a philanthropist support this evening of all ages entertainment. Workshop and market stall holders, food vendors and performers enjoyed our quality environment. Sculptures by the Bay and Small Sculpture Awards grow and grow and are a real highlight of the festival. Congrats to the team, Greg Banfield, Vicky Small, Jen Fletcher, Brooke Small and Kevin Singer. Fiona Widlake and Helen Rowell also helped with the organisation.
And of course, the huge team of vollies standing behind Llewyn, Mark, Terry, Grant and Tony at the bar. One of the best parts of the night!
This coming year Helen Rowell is planning some different textile workshops and a parasol art activity that should prove diverse and fun!
At the Australia Day Ceremony this year, we presented Naturaliste Gratitude Awards to
Len Thomas – 85 year old golfing volunteer and hero!
Tony Grasso – one of the vice president of Naturaliste Volunteer Marine Rescue Group
Suzanne Strapp – ongoing attention given to endangered species at FAWNA (Fostering and assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid.)
Jen Fletcher – all round yes woman who can turn her hand at anything at the switch of a hat as it turns out. Jen, one of the DDPA’s vice presidents, can do anything asked of her and more.
Thank you all for your service.
Anzac Day was a beautiful day, perfect for the parade and ceremony. It was well patronised and seems to continue to grow! This is organised by Allen Cooper, Clayton Halloran, Mike Eddy, Ned Dixon and Don Dowling with others like Stacey Smart who leads the parade with the drums. A quick shout out to Totally Sound for their sponsorship as they don’t get a lot of money from us.
Dunsborough Street Party
Just last Friday, the street party was an amazing night of catching up, eating good food with local wines, and featuring outstanding local talent of all ages. Behind it was a huge team of volunteers led by Stephanie Kirchoffer. Without leadership this kind of event would never happen and it was terrific to be in partnership with the Dunsborough Yallingup Chamber of Commerce to deliver it.
Our last event for the year is Carols in the Park. Sean Lillico has been rehearsing with Lisa Knight, and an ensemble so it is sure to be a lovely relaxing musical evening. Thanks in advance to Chaplain Justine Richmond will be along with volunteers to do the readings.
During the year, one of our dear committee members Alison Butler, passed away. A very quiet achiever with a mischievous smile, Ali is fondly remembered for her diligent paperwork, savoury custard tarts and her ability to wrangle raffle prizes.
Mark, Llewyn, Jen, Tony, Grant, Greg, Terry, Helen and Helen.
Thank you all for your service and support over the last 20 years – some like Mark and Llewyn – most of that time, Greg and Jen a lot of that time, while others, Tony, Grant, Greg, Helen and Helen are newer colleagues and friends.
I certainly didn’t know when I took up the role it was going to be for such a long while but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it!
Through that time there have been some amazing achievements by our team like
- Puma2go
- Bright Up the Bay artwork on the Dunsborough Playing Fields toilet block, StreetArt and Wander Art through the town centre
- Hannay Lane Enhancement Group, and the artwork
- the first Street Party led by Mandy Polley
- The first set of street banners on the light poles!
- Djiljit Mia – amazing leadership by Trish Flower
- Telstra Park – led by Tony
- Lobbying the council for the continuation and finishing of the Busselton Dunsborough Dual Purpose Path
- Formalizing of the shark nets so that Brian and John Winchcombe didn’t have to do it any more
- Sculpture by the Bay – Nita Pratt
- Assisting the Yallingup Residents Association to create Korrianne – the bronze sculpture and the painting of the Telstra building near the Yallingup Hall
- The fence around the tavern being decorated and finally removed due to community pressure – and now its for sale
- Meals made through covid and distributed to households
- Fight the Height rally
- The Dunsborough Streetscape – Christmas lights, and now a tree!
- The War Memorial and then the new War Memorial a few years later
- The improvements of the foreshore and making of Seymour Park along Lorna Street
- The location of the café on the foreshore which was almost cancelled out completely after 20 years of lobbying with the Chamber – remember Bob Ginbey out in the wind and rain holding a tent down.
- All of our events, the ones that have come and gone or continue independently - including Songfest – Judy Waterman, Jazz by the Bay – Cindy Weise, Harmony Week Multicultural Festival – Vanessa Sabatini and the Dunsborough Fun Run – Trish Flower
- And two important groups.
o For our future: Dunsborough Reference Group instigated by Tony Sharp and Peter Kyle
o For our past: Dunsborough Historical Group – invigorated by Margaret Baxter and Lee Bowen.
There have been some funny moments, like coping with bands that decide to break up 48 hours before they are due to play; sound systems that didn’t work on cue… and card readers at busy bars… bars running dry and quick trips to the bottle shop, and vollies coping with the mass of unexpected crowds!
In all the time we have held the festival, there has only been one incident of note. When a wandering bloke grabbed the microphone while we were doing speeches, and proceeded to tell everyone they were all witches!
There have been a few disappointments mostly around planning but on the whole it has been filled with lot of talking and surprising action, and fun and comradery.
I asked the committee what it is that has drawn them to the DDPA, and they reflect what was important to me when I joined – using their words:
- I love what the DDPA do for the community and want to be part of that.
- A sense of duty to help our community and in the hope I could make a positive contribution
- To meet, associate with and enjoy the company of like minded people
- To hopefully play a small part in advocating for some improvements in community infrastructure and facilities
- To advocate for fairer and better representation for Duns & Districts from the City of Busselton
- I'm always impressed by the breadth and depth of the events around the arts festival and sculptures. It’s a sophisticated community event which is a testament to all the volunteers and organisers.
- I love our town and want it to remain a friendly, happy and harmonious tight knit community. It’s a special place that deserves protecting and nurturing.
I want to acknowledge my husband Myles and our adult children for their patience and support. James, Rosie, Finnegan and Iggy, who have grown up amidst the chaos and meetings, and whose memories must abound with reams of paper, pens, laptops, and pacing with clipboards while taking phone calls. Fortunately they have all turned out so far to be well adjusted young people.
Myles though, started this off because he became the president when no one else would. The DDPA was about to fold when he stepped up, Rance Driscoll was the Vice president, and Libby Winchcombe I think was secretary then my friend Cindy Evans became the secretary and I was the treasurer. Other friends like Juliette Strickland stepped in as well.
We had amazing guides like Margaret, Brian and John Winchcombe, and more who eventually trusted us to make good decisions!
Without Myles understanding of how important our community is to us, I would never have had this opportunity to do beautiful artwork projects, lead and speak at rallies, grow confidence, be aware of changes and make and see the difference. The most amazing gift of being in and working in a community is the fortune to meet such extraordinary people, from all walks of life, who all for the most part, believe in the same thing.
Thank you Myles – I think I’m a better person for that opportunity to grow.
I’ll be around of course and still on the committee if that is the way the election goes this evening, and I’m keen to welcome and support new committee members like Jo Barrett-Leonard who chaired the election as a Councillor in 2021.
While the buildings will continue to grow, and the edges of the town expand, the community will need the DDPA to reminds us that the people are the beating heart, and keeping up the connections and bringing locals together is what is really important."