
Community Interest

One of the DDPA’s key objectives is the representation of the local community in matters of interest. This has included such topical issues as the rezoning of the buildings along the foreshore at the end of Dunn Bay Rd. and the creation of local parks such as Djiljit Mia and the Telstra Block.

We are also proactive in making our local area as great as it can be. This includes honouring outstanding members of the community with Naturaliste Gratitude Awards at the annual Australia Day ceremony on the Dunsborough foreshore, and the recently installed Aboriginal flagpole installed next to the existing Australian flagpole, at the foreshore.

If there are local community matters of interest that you would like to discuss with the DDPA, please contact us.


Associated groups

Over time various groups have spun out of the DDPA and/or been auspiced by the DDPA.

One such group is the Dunsborough Historical Society. The group’s’ focus is to celebrate the history of the Dunsborough district.  Find out more…Dunsborough Historical Society

The DHS collects, collates and celebrates the history of the town and the region. Its goal is to preserve our history for future generations

Another group is Dunsborough 2030, a volunteer group fighting to protect Dunsborough from overdevelopment.

The Dunsbororough Art Society is a neighbour, adjacent to the Dunsborough Hall. Their website is here.

Sculpture By The Bay
