Planning Policy

Planning Policy

Dunsborough and the Planning Process

Planning in Dunsborough is controlled at both a city and state level. The Western Australian Planning Commission is the state planning body. It sets guidelines and policy at a state, regional, sub-regional and city/shire level. The city operates within this framework. The following are the most signficant documents that influence the development of Dunsborough (unless otherewise stated, these are easily available online):

Existing Policies/Plans/Strategies

  • SPP 6.1 Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge Policy 2003 -“clear direction on future land use”. Vision: “Creative, vital and sustainable communities living in balance with economic development and the unique landscape and environmental values” of the area.
  • CoB Community Strategic Plan 2012/17
  • CoB Busselton 2050 Strategic Growth Scenarios 2012 (no longer available online)
  • CoB LP21 Local Planning Scheme 2014 amended up to 2020-under review
  • Dunsborough Town Centre Conceptual Plan 2014
  • WAPC South West Regional Planning Framework 2015-guides future development of the South-West over the next 20 years
  • Leeuwin-Naturalist Subregional Strategy-2019—Designates the D Planning Investigation Area; mandates Townsite Strategy -“Its purpose is to manage and plan for growth within the sub-region” WAPC in May wrote the city: “The WAPC will contemplate authorising a review of State Planning Policy 6.1 – Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge, in the context of the full suite of State Planning Policies and the planning reform agenda.”
  • CoB Local Planning Strategy-2016-20 “support and proactively plan for urban growth” Sees D’s retail floor space going to a max of 20,000sq m from the current 12,000-which “may mean expanding across Caves Rd to the playing fields”

Current Planning Studies/Reviews

Dunsborough Precinct Structure Plan (aka Activity Centre Plan):

  • Current status here.
  • Creates a “vision” for Dunsborough-“high level description of a desired end state..what success looks like”
  • “A Structure Plan that guides the coordination of the future subdivision, zoning and development of an ‘activity centre” ie identifies and zones land for expansion of activity centres
  • Addresses building and streetscape design and community infrastructure
  • CoB started in 2018? Consultation 2018-Dunsborough Engagement Outcomes Report
  • Retail and Traffic Studies done, Urban design study to start soon
  • Further consultation expected
  • WAPC approval early/mid 2023?
  • Feeds into Townsite Strategy

Dunsborough Townsite Strategy:

  • Mandated by WAPC L-N Strategy 2019-produced by CoB
  • To set out a vision for Dunsborough
  • Plan for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable urban growth.
  • The Strategy is considered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage/WAPC prior to key stages and finalisation of the PIA investigation. (CoB seems to differ on this.)
  • Future now unclear as WAPC in May 2021 seems to have changed its mind over its need.

Dunsborough Planning Investigation:

  • PIA is south east of Dunsborough, south and east of Commonage Rd.
  • PIA to be carried out by WAPC
  • Consideration in the PIA of the merits or otherwise of expanding Dunsborough to the south-east is to inform the Dunsborough Townsite Strategy
  • PIA will be “undertaken concurrently with the preparation of the Dunsborough Townsite Strategy ensuring that both bodies of work inform each other .”

Community Strategic Plan:

  • The CoB’s “overarching plan that guides Council’s decision making on matters affecting our community.” Updated in 2021.
  • A CoB Corporate, not a Planning, document.
  • “The intent of the plan is to outline the things that are important to our community over the ensuing 10-15 years and to set out the community’s visions, aspirations and objectives, as well as the strategies that Council will pursue in support of the objectives.“
  • Note-This is a city wide consultation, not by town or area.

New Local Planning Scheme:

  • Mandated by the WAPC 2019 rather than continued amendments and the “inefficient operation” of current scheme.
  • “An innovative and contemporary planning instrument to guide future growth and development, whilst protecting the City’s significant landscape values and environmental / cultural heritage.”
  • Until the new Local Planning Scheme has been gazetted, “the standards, objectives and requirements of the current LPS21 shall continue to apply.” (What is status of ongoing amendments -Moratorium?)
  • 2.5 year process? Therefore completed mid 2022-3?