Current Planning Issues
Some of the projects that have been out for comment or under review
Seymour Apartments
The deadline for comments on this 6 storey, 25 unit apartment complex at Seymour and Dunn Bay Rd is Dec. 17.
Peko-Peko Block
Brewery/coffee roaster/upmarket accomodation/gallery/shopping development approved by City Council. Construction underway.
Dugulup Centre on Dunn Bay Rd
A six storey apartment/office/retail and restaurant complex is proposed for the Puma site on Dunn Bay Rd. It will be the tallest building south of Bunbury. Info here. Deadline to comment is Dec 3.
Major growth east of the Lakes
The state planers in October decided to rezone this area urban-allowing for a massive expansion of the town.
Lot 200 Caves Road
Loss of trees along Caves Rd and endangered species habitat. Development approved by the JDAP but changes made and JDAP approved again Nov 9.
Naturalist Terrace
CoB rejuvenation of Naturaliste Terrrace. Various options: more or less parking.. more or less trees. City has surveyed the community. New plan to be implemented in stages starting after Easter 2022.
State Override
Using COVID as the excuse, the state has given itself greater powers to override local planning responsibilities. Also new State Development Assessment Panel for >$5mil projects.
New Fire Regulations
Proposed new fire break regulations will have a major impact on landowners in town and out. This has now been postponed until 2021-22.
Coastal Threat
The city is determing its policy for the next 100 years regarding sea rise and erosion, retreat or protect. The outcome will have significant impact on rates going forward. City details here.
A development applicatiion had been published for a Woolworths and retail and apartment complex. It will involve a new road access to Dunsborough. City details here.
Foreshore Apartments
JDAP approved 4 story apartment building facing the foreshore adjacent to Seymour Park. Decision was challenged in court but failed. Construction undereway.More info here.
Smiths Beach
Adrian Fini’s Hisperia group is leading a consortium to develop Smiths Beach with hotel, campsite, and 64 houses. The footprint is larger than that approved so new approval is being sort. More detail here.
Dunsb’h Lakes Signs
Are 8 signs in a row by same developer the best entry statement for Dunsborough? They are counter to city policy
Rezoning the foreshore
The Amendment to rezone to R60 was endorsed by Council on 27 /10/21, and recieved by the WAPC 2/12/21 The 60 day consideration period commenced on that date.
Foreshore Cafe
The first commercial business on the foreshore. Waiting for the state to rezone the land.